Testimonials & Birth Stories
Over the years I have delivered generations of families, learned from new families and made friends for life. My client base spans across southwest Michigan and grows as each of the families I have played my part in expand. Bellow are testimonials & birth stories from past clients.
My story of choosing a Midwife started with my first child. It took my husband and I a while to have kids and when I finally got pregnant I was so excited, wanted to do everything in my power to have a healthy, happy baby. We talked and even though I was open to birthing at home, my husband was not so ready. Being our first I guess he, and really me too if I’m being honest with myself, second-guessed ourselves and so we decided to go medical. I was determined though to find a doctor that was open to my thoughts and ideas. I wanted the birth of my son to be as natural as possible and after much looking I thought I found a doctor that listened to me and understood what I wanted…Well…a much longer story later…my son ended up with a horrible autoimmune disorder that NO ONE understood or really knew what it was…
After too many invasive tests it was determined that it was drug induced and very luckily, he outgrew it! But! All of it was advised by a doctor that I thought was on my side. So, when I became pregnant for a second time there was no question in our minds how this baby was going to come into this world. I looked up midwives in my area and found Laura. A forever-kindred spirit for me! EVERYTHING with Laura was so much more relaxed then my first experience. My prenatal appointments where so comfortable and easygoing! I felt no pressure at all about ANYTHING! I knew that this delivery was going to be so much better and I knew that I was going to have the support I needed when the time came to deliver.
Laura was always a text/phone call away and when baby decide it was time, Laura knew when to come from my tone of voice! She was such a relaxing force for me. As soon as she came I was at peace. Contractions were easier, I was relaxed and I knew everyone in the room! (Much different from the many staff members who suddenly appear out of nowhere in the hospital!!) I even had my sister on the phone…face timing!! ☺ She is a doula and she really wanted to be there for the birth but lives out of state so this was the next best thing. Laura was so easy going about it! It was great! My daughter was born on a very wintery November day, in the bathtub, at home, surrounded by loved ones. I know that her birth, how relaxed the whole experience was, is a big part of her easygoing personality. If I am ever pregnant again my husband and I know exactly whom we will call!
Laura is fantastic at her job…I doubt she even views it as a job. She is full of knowledge, has seen many babies come into this world and there is no one else I would ever trust more with mine!
When I first found out I was pregnant I thought I wanted to have a hospital birth, it was my first child and I wanted to make sure I was in a safe environment. After much more thought throughout my pregnancy I began to think of what I really wanted for my birthing experience. I asked where would I be more comfortable ? Where and with who would I feel the most safe? My boyfriend and I were going back and forth on the issue non stop. One day I was cleaning my car at my parents house and out of the most pleasant of surprises Laura pulls up my parents driveway to say hello to the family. Laura delivered multiple babies in my immediate and extended family including myself and little brother with my mother. We caught up a little bit, I told her I was pregnant and considering having a hospital birth. She said congrats and told me if I ever had any questions regarding my pregnancy or anything at all to get a hold of her.
After she left I couldn’t help but take it as a sign pushing me in the direction of a homebirth. I began to rethink the answer to my questions. I knew I would feel the most comfortable in an environment I grew up in my whole life, my parents house. Who I would feel the most safe with would be my family and my boyfriend, not strangers I never met like in the hospital. So it was decided with much support from my family and partner and after a meeting with Laura in which she answered every one of our concerns about the process , I was going to have a home water birth!
My pregnancy moved forward and we had our monthly check ups with Laura. Every single appointment was incredibly relaxed, she would feel the babies position and let me know where the babies head was. One time when I was around 7 months she noticed the baby was breech, she gave me a few exercise to help the baby turn and sure enough after a few days the baby flipped back into it’s normal position!
When the time came, I gave Laura a call letting her know I was having contractions all night, she told me just relax, hang around my house, clean and to make sure I ate. As the day progressed into the night and the contractions started to get more intense we called her again. She asked if I felt more comfortable with her coming into town and me not knowing what to expect said yes. We went to my parents house around midnight and she was there shortly after. Apparently I had quite a while ( I had no idea what I was in store for), but she was right there by my side. I labored in the bathtub and she poured water on my stomach to ease the pain well into the night. The morning after laboring all night, around 11:30 a.m they set up the birthing pool. Laura, my family and partner encouraged me as I pushed. Some of our family did not make it but we video chatted with them during the whole delivery so they were able to be there and Laura was completely fine with it! Finally at 12:31 p.m on November 10, 2015 our beautiful baby daughter was born! We were able to be in the comfort of a large bedinside my childhood home as she measured and weighed our little baby girl, Charlotte. She came by again the next day to help me with nursing and checked on me and the baby to make sure we were doing well. Laura is amazing , she was my midwife, my doula, my lactation consultant, and a dear friend! When I have my future children I know exactly who I will have help me bring them into the world. I got everything I wanted for my birthing experience and I wont and wouldn't have it any other way in the future.